12 NCERT Chemistry Class11: Chapter on Environmental Chemistry. NIOS PDF on Environment ShankarIAS’s Book, IYB20 Ch. NCERT Geography, Science Textbooks, Followed by CA* related to biotech Agri’s Economy / Scheme / Budget angles from Mrunal’s class & handout Majid Hussain’s Geography of India: All chapters EXCEPT 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 16. Goh Cheng Leong: All chapters EXCEPT 4 to 10. Rajtanil’s Geography Lecture series on Youtube. Then NCERT 7-10 Social Science- only those chapters which are not covered in Class 11-12. NCERT: First class11-12’s four textbooks on physical, Indian & human geography.
📚UPSC CSE-2020: Basic Reading List for GS